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이흥노 Heung-No Lee
  • E-MAILheungno@gist.ac.kr
  • TEL062-715-2237
  • FAX062-715-2204
  • WEBSITE https://heungno.net/


  • AI 금융 & 블록체인


  • University of California, Los Angeles


  • 2013 - Present GIST, Professor
  • 2009 - 2013 GIST, Associate Professor
  • 2002 - 2008 University of Pittsburgh, Assistant Professor
  • 1999 - 2001 HRL Laboratories in Malibu, California, Researcher


  • INFOrmation processing and control NETwork (INFONET) LaboratoryTo date networks are meant mainly for communications purposes only. This can be gleaned from the wide spread usages of computer networks and cellular phone networks in our everyday life. Emerging application areas, however, use them also for sensing, computing and controlling purposes. Such examples include sensor networks, robotic networks, neural networks, networked computing, and tele-surgery operations. In Information-processing and COntrol Network (ICON) laboratory, we are interested in developing a fundamentally new networking technology essential for the holistic purpose of sensing, information and signal processing, communication, and controlling. We are envisioning such a network operating over wireless media. This is because while wireless medium is deemed unreliable and unpredictable, it offers the major benefit of un-tethered operations, which is very important for real time deployment. We aim at accomplishing such a goal via focusing on exploiting user cooperation benefits, designing new modulation schemes and channel coding techniques. We envision that the developed wireless ICON technology will be essential to help design new generation of wireless networks which are helpful to human beings.The topics of interests include, but not limited to, the following:
  • -Network coding for wireless networks
  • -Compressive sensing and signal representation
  • -Linear codes and iterative decoding
  • -Coded modulation for fading channels (with OFDM, CDMA, etc)
  • -Analog and digital communications
  • -MIMO signal designs
  • -Brain computer interface (BCI) systems (via wireless networks)
  • -Mathematical modeling of brain’s signal processing activity in sensing and motor control