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정건영 교수, Nano Letters, 2013, 13(7), pp.3017-3022

작성자관리자  조회수854 Date2015-06-18 타이틀  담당교수  요약 
(2013-0724)정건영-Nano_Letters201307.pdf [3,325.9 KB]
(2013-0724)정건영-Nano_Letters201307-대표그림.png [145.1 KB]

* Title: Tailoring n?ZnO/p-Si Branched Nanowire Heterostructures for Selective Photoelectrochemical Water Oxidation or Reduction

 * Authors: Alireza Kargar, Ke Sun, Yi Jing, Chulmin Choi, Huisu Jeong, Yuchun Zhou, Kristian Madsen, Perry Naughton, Sungho Jin, Gun Young Jung*, and Deli Wang*

 * Publication: 2013.07.10.

 * Abstract:
 We report the fabrication of three-dimensional (3D) branched nanowire (NW) heterostructures, consisting of periodically ordered vertical Si NW trunks and ZnO NW branches, and their application for solar water splitting. The branched NW photoelectrodes show orders of magnitudes higher photocurrent compared to the bare Si NW electrodes. More interestingly, selective photoelectrochemical cathodic or anodic behavior resulting in either solar water oxidation or reduction was achieved by tuning the doping concentration of the p-type Si NW core. Specifically, n-ZnO/p-Si branched NW array electrodes with lightly doped core show broadband absorption from UV to near IR region and photocathodic water reduction, while n-ZnO/p+-Si branched NW arrays show photoanodic water oxidation with photoresponse only to UV light. The photoelectrochemical stability for over 24 h under constant light illumination and fixed biasing potential was achieved by coating the branched NW array with thin layers of TiO2 and Pt. These studies not only reveal the promise of 3D branched NW photoelectrodes for high efficiency solar energy harvesting and conversion to clean chemical fuels, but also developing understanding enabling rational design of high efficiency robust photocathodes and photoanodes from low-cost and earth-abundant materials allowing practical applications in clean renewable energy.