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번호 제목 작성자 조회수 Date Files
12 [CVPR'23] Zero-shot Referring Image Segmentation with Global-Local Context Features AI대학원 65 2023-06-09  
11 [CHI'23] Visible Nuances: A Caption System to Visualize Paralinguistic Speech Cues for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Individuals AI대학원 49 2023-06-09  
10 [CHI'23]Can a Computer Tell Differences between Vibrations?: Physiology-Based Computational Model for Perceptual Dissimilarity Prediction AI대학원 41 2023-06-09  
9 [CHI'23] Can we crowdsource Tacton similarity perception and metaphor ratings? AI대학원 61 2023-06-09  
8 [AAAI'23] A Set of Control Points Conditioned Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction AI대학원 35 2023-06-09  
7 [AAAI'23] Task-specific Scene Structure Representations AI대학원 29 2023-06-09  
6 [Expert Systems With applications] DeepGene Transformer: Transformer for the gene expression-based classification of cancer subtypes AI대학원 27 2023-06-09  
5 [Applied Spectroscopy] Adversarial Data Augmentation and Transfer Net for Scrap Metal Identification Using Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy Measurement of Standard AI대학원 27 2023-06-09  
4 [IEEE Access] Time-Based Moving Target Defense Using Bayesian Attack Graph Analysis AI대학원 29 2023-06-09  
3 [Expert Systems with Applications] Learning to Automatically Spectate Games for Esports Using Object Detection Mechanism AI대학원 29 2023-06-09