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list으로 번호, 제목, 작성자, 조회수, create일, 첨부파일로 나열 되고 있습니다.
num. 제목 작성자 조회수 Date Files
205 2014) Design and Synthesis of Novel Chiral 6-NHC toward Organic Synthesis and Continuous Flow Reaction 전체관리자 1 2014-07-23 파일명 : Abstract-Jayakumar-20140722 (1).docx
204 2014) Controlling Stem Cell Fate Using Combinatorial Hybrid Nanostructures 전체관리자 1 2014-07-22 파일명 : Abstract-LeeKiBum-20140722.pdf
203 2014) Nanobiomaterials for Drug Delivery and Tissue Engineering 전체관리자 0 2014-07-22 파일명 : Abstract-Jayakumar-20140722.docx
202 2014) Microstructure of Organic Semiconductors Controlled by Solution Processing 전체관리자 2 2014-07-21 파일명 : Abstract-KimJiSeon-20140721.doc
201 2014) Micro-ballistics: A New Approach for Nanomaterial Dynamics 전체관리자 0 2014-07-02 파일명 : Abstract-LeeJaeHwang-20140702.doc
200 2014) Precise Nanometric-scaled Construction of Gold Nanoparticle with Monodispersed Building Blocks for Systemic Delivery of siRNA 전체관리자 0 2014-07-01 파일명 : Abstract-HyunjinKim-20140701.docx
199 2014) First Principles Computational Discovery of High Efficient Catalysts Toward Oxygen Reduction Reactions 전체관리자 0 2014-07-01 파일명 : Abstract_BCHan-20140701.pdf
198 2014) Cell based tissue engineering and regenerative medicine using silk matrices 전체관리자 2 2014-06-26  
197 2014) Printed Electronics with Self Assembled Polymers 전체관리자 9 2014-06-12 파일명 : Abstract-Parkcheolmin-20140612.doc
196 2014) Chemistry and Applications of Biologically-Inspired and Bio-Derived Polymers 전체관리자 8 2014-06-09 파일명 : Abstract-Hoyong_Chung-20140609.pdf