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num. 제목 작성자 조회수 Date Files
165 2013) Improved Light Output Power of GaN-Based Vertical LEDs Through Enhancing Current Blocking and Current Injection 전체관리자 2 2013-05-02 파일명 : Abstract-Prof.Seong(2013.05.02).pdf
164 2013) Drug candidates from nature and design via organic synthesis 전체관리자 2 2013-04-30  
163 2013) Nanoassembly for Bioanalytical Platform 전체관리자 2 2013-04-19  
162 2013) How to Make That Breakthrough in Energy Conversion: Nano-thermoelectricity 전체관리자 2 2013-04-16 파일명 : Abstract-Lee+Wooyoung(2013-04-16).doc
161 2013) Fe based superconductor thin films 전체관리자 2 2013-04-15 파일명 : Abstract-Lee+Sanghan(2013-04-15).doc
160 2013) Bionanoscience for Innovative Global Healthcare Research & Technology (BIGHEART) 전체관리자 2 2013-04-09  
159 2013) Palladium-Catalyzed Cross-Coupling Reactions with Organoindium Reagents 전체관리자 2 2013-03-14  
158 2013) High efficient polymeric solar cells-towards next generation renewable energy 전체관리자 2 2013-03-13  
157 2013) Flexible Display 소재 개발 및 산업화 현황 전체관리자 2 2013-03-07  
156 2013) Development of printed ambipolar polymer complementary circuits 전체관리자 2 2013-02-20