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Advanced Lithography for Integrated Systems Lab. (ALIS)




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목록으로 번호, 제목, 작성자, 조회수, 등록일, 첨부파일로 나열 되고 있습니다.
번호 제목 작성자 조회수 Date Files
32 Dr. Hyeonghun Kim has been appointed as a professor in the department of chemical engineering at Chonnam National University! Admin 159 2024-07-12  
31 Sunyoung and Hyeseong joined our group as master students. Welcome to ALIS! Admin 835 2023-04-06  
30 A paper published in Nature Communications Admin 1,103 2022-02-08 파일명 : Capture.png
29 A paper accepted in Nano energy Admin 1,891 2020-07-08 파일명 : toc2.png
28 A paper accepted in Journal of Power sources Admin 1,356 2020-02-19 파일명 : toc.jpg
27 A paper accepted in Nanoscale Admin 1,587 2019-10-29 파일명 : toc.jpg
26 A paper accepted in J. Mater. Chem. A Admin 1,567 2019-08-20 파일명 : 캡처.JPG
25 A paper accepted in ChemNanoMat Admin 1,000 2019-08-19 파일명 : 캡처.JPG
24 A paper accepted in RSC Advances Admin 1,657 2019-04-29  
23 A paper accepted in Nanoscale Admin 1,210 2018-10-29  
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