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In Situ Nanostructure Processing Lab. (INPL)



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번호 제목 작성자 조회수 Date Files
15 Seul-Gi Yu's paper titled as "Growth Kinetics of Single Crystalline C8-BTBT Rods via Solvent Vapor Annealing" has been published to J. Phys. Chem. C. 최고관리자 2,816 2021-03-30  
14 Yong-Ryun Jo's paper titled as "Exceptional Tunability over Size and Density of Spontaneously Formed Nanoparticles via Nucleation Dynamics" 최고관리자 1,381 2021-03-30  
13 Yong-Ryun Jo's paper titled as "Reversible Decomposition of Single-Crystal Methylammonium Lead Iodide Perovskite Nanorods" has been published to ACS Cent. Sci. 최고관리자 1,343 2021-03-30  
12 Yong-Ryun Jo's paper titled as "In Situ Tracking of Low-Temperature VO2 Crystallization via Photocombusion and Characterization of Phase-Transition Reliability ~" 최고관리자 1,384 2021-03-30  
11 Min-Woo Kim and Yong-Ryun's paper titled as "Ultrafast Infrared Photoresponse from Heavily Hydrogen-Doped VO2 Single Crystalline Nanoparticles" 최고관리자 19 2021-03-30  
10 Min-Woo Kim's paper titled as "Reversible Polymorphic Transition and Hysteresis-Driven Phase Selectivity in Single-Crystalline C8-BTBT Rods" has been published to Small. 최고관리자 17 2021-03-30  
9 Min-Woo's paper titled as "Enabling Simulaneous Extreme Ultra Low-k in Stiff, Resilient, and Thermally Stable Nano-Architected Materials" has been published to Nano Lette 최고관리자 1,975 2017-11-23  
8 Yong-Ryun's paper titled as "Direct correlation of structural and electrical properties of electron-doped individual VO2 nanowires on devised TEM grids" has been publishe 최고관리자 1,645 2016-09-27  
7 Min-Woo's paper titled as "Real-Time Structural and Electrical Characterization of Metal-Insulator Transition in Strain-Modulated Single-Phase VO2 Wires with Cotrolled Di 전체관리자 1,615 2016-06-20  
6 Yong-Ryun's paper titled as "Formation Mechanism of Thermally Optimized Ga-Doped MgZnO Transparent Conducting Electrodes for GaN-Based Light-Emitting Diodes" has been pub 전체관리자 1,584 2015-06-09  
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